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Cheshire WA4 6PE
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AIM Escape's Patient Zero 2150

Tickets ? Peak ticket for 1 person: after 6pm on weekdays and all day on weekends ? Off-Peak ticket for 1 person: before 6pm on weekdays Psychopath's Den difficulty level: HARD Hotel of Horrors difficulty level: MEDIUM/HARD Patient Zero: HARD, Spy Heroes: MEDIUM General Info ? Date and time: book a time slot of your choice with the venue ? Opening hours: every day of the week from 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.? ? Duration: the game itself lasts one hour, we recommend allowing 10-15 minutes either side for the signing of consent forms, a health and safety briefing, answering? questions, and possibly taking a team photo ? Location: AIM Escape Rooms ? Age requirement:?Patient Zero has a minimum age of 12+, and all under 16s must be accompanied by at least one paying adult ? This venue is not wheelchair accessible? ? Please note: minimum 2 players, maximum 5. ?? Difficulty level: hard ? Next steps: you must book your date and time with the venue in advance - further instructions in your confirmation email ??Flashing, coloured lights involved ? All time slots are subject to availability ? Description Armageddon is here. The world?s superpowers are no more. Rogue scientists have breached all moral boundaries creating pathogens that create non-humans. Nerve agents so nightmarish that they corrupt physically and mentally, turning those exposed into the living dead - zombies. In the subterranean depths of their secret facility, the pathogen has escaped. It must be contained or all humankind, as we know it, will cease to exist. Your mission: Contain the bio-threat, secure the facility and escape uninfected! Can you do it in 60 minutes?

AIM Escape's Patient Zero 2150 ON TOUR

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