London's longest-running theatre magic show, direct from the Leicester Square Theatre, presents some of the most exciting names in magic & variety in the UK. An exciting, family-friendly show offering an amazing mixture of magic, comedy and...
Amassing over 125 million views online with his unique brand of comedy, magic and nonsense, and a stand-out performance on Britains Got Talent 2024, Jack Rhodes is finally leaving his garage and heading out on the road for his first live to...
With the blessing of the Tommy Cooper Estate, this hilarious one-man show written and performed by Danny Taylor focuses on the much missed West Country comedian and magician's legendary act, recapturing his trademark mayhem and misfiring ma...
Star of The Greatest Magician, and the BBC's most broadcast magician of the last decade - the award-winning James Phelan - debuts this breath-taking new magic show. Most infamous for jamming the BBC switchboard after correctly predicting th...